Friday, September 25, 2009


It was my birthday on Wednesday. I remember that I promised I would write a short story, which I hope you might like.

Maybe it is the start of another chapter in my life, too. We'll see!

Let me know if you like it.



Anonymous said...

Well, I'm a terrible Interwebs friend - I missed your birthday. I hope it was happy and everything you wanted it to be.

Looking forward to reading your story this weekend. I'll circle back with you when i am finished.


McDoC said...

A BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIFTY. Just keep on aging... we don't mind. Cheers!!! :)

David said...

Read the short story. Not bad. Great idea. Could be an episode of Torchwood (Very good adult spin off of Doctor Who). Your mind is a wee bitty warped to come up with the JC twist. Freak :-) Only joking, I could never write anything as good as that.

whiteray said...

Nicely done story. Leads me one way and turns it around at the very end, which is almost essential in short shorts. (Who wears short shorts?) And nice twice: Time pilot . . . first name Pontius, perhaps? Very readable and thought-provoking. I've dabbled on occasion with a list of things I'd like to go back and see if time travel were possible: The bison covering the American plains, the Vikings reaching what is now Central Minnesota (if indeed they did so), an evening in early 1960s Hamburg listening to four young musicians from Liverpool . . . Again, nicely done!

Anonymous said...

belated happy birthday, thank you for sharing of wonderful information music of the 80's. keep up the good work and good luck

New album on the way - help needed!

I've spent the last couple of months working on my first album. Tentatively called "Et Tu?" it is a deliberate attempt to writ...