Friday, September 11, 2009

Back In The Neighbourhood

Last year, when MFL turned one, I reported that my most popular album download was Johnny Logan's 1987 album Hold Me Now. A year later, I have to report that Johnny retains the top spot, with an average of nearly one new download every day. I think he may want to re-release this one. However, his is not the most popular post in terms of comments. Moving from Ireland to Scotland, that distinction belongs to Scottish songbirds His Latest Flame who have consistently received more comments than anyone else, the post being here and anyone looking for the album In The Neighbourhood may like to know I have now uploaded the album at 320kbps to my rapidshare account following many requests to make it available again.

Clearly the girls are remembered with a lot of fondness, and while I don't have a lot more material by them, here's an additional B-Side:

His Latest Flame - Come On, Come On


drew said...

Thanks for this have the 12" singles of America Blue and Love's In The Neighbourhood but for some reason never got round to buying the album. Have been looking for this for a while.

baldrick said...

Thanks for the album :o)

Rich said...

This is wonderful -- never heard this one! Their 'In The Neighbourhood' is one of my most-played albums; I was lucky enough to pick it up while in London when it was new. I love their harmonies so much ... can't get enough of them! Thanks so much for sharing this "new" (well, new to me) track ... you've made my day!

Anonymous said...

Johnny Logan. The gimp who won the Eurovision Song Contest and had that Hold Me Now song? Wow!

lovecrusader said...

This album was one of my favourites when I was in the sixth form. Don't really know how I found out about them as I never saw them on TV or heard them on the radio - think I picked up 'America Blue' for cheap (I liked the cover) and really liked it. Great album - Londonderry Road and An Old Flame are two of my favourites, but all the tracks are fab! :) Where are they now?

Mike W said...

I first heard of HLF in 1986 when a friend promoted a gig on the tour they did with The Housemartins and Billy Bragg early in 1986. Due to a personal problem, I was unable to work on the gig myself as invited (as dj). A few months later (June 86) we had the girls for a gig in Shrewsbury, and I became a big fan that night. They came back and did another gig for us later that year, where I did a lot of promotion for the gig. Wrote a piece for the local paper, got "Stop The Tide" played on our local radio station, and arranged an interview with the radio. Also made sure there were loads of posters about, and got the local record shop to get LOADS of copies of "STT". The gig was a sell out and the record sold well that week... Happy bunny.

New album on the way - help needed!

I've spent the last couple of months working on my first album. Tentatively called "Et Tu?" it is a deliberate attempt to writ...