Monday, September 7, 2009

Hitlist - Good Evening Yugoslavia (1986)

Hitlist was a short-lived band with the following members: John Hoare (Guitars, Vocals), Horace Hornblower (Saxes, Clarinet), Dave McIntosh (Drums, Percussion), Gordon Riddell (Vocals, Guitar, Percussion), Duv Walker (Keyboards) and Neil Waterman (Vocals, Guitar). Their most well-known track was the dancefloor orientated "Into The Fire" which was released in 1985 on Virgin Records. The full length album Good Evening Yugoslavia followed in 1986. There was one more single released from the album, "OK For You", but that was all.

Hitlist - Good Evening Yugoslavia (1986)
  1. Showbiz
  2. Party Lights
  3. Sunday Is For Sleeping
  4. Mr Mercenary
  5. Into The Fire
  6. Good Intentions
  7. Anticipation
  8. Nothing To Lose
  9. OK For You
  10. Further On

More trivia: apparently the single "Into The Fire" was released on the same week as the Bradford fire disaster and Virgin pulled the single.

Gordon Riddell sadly died a few years ago at the age of 46.

Additional tracks on the singles were "Total Isolation" and "High Treason".


Michael said...

I only ever heard (and still own) the single 'Into the fire'. I was working in a record shop at the time of this single being released. I thought it would be huge, It wasn't. It wasn't a priority single for virgin, they just dropped a couple of copies off for free and that was that. Even the rep thought it might have done better with more of a push.But i don't particularly remember it not getting as much of a push because of the the Bradford Fire disaster and i live in the north of England so i think i would have remembered. Memory fades and i'm getting old, so i could be wrong. The manager decided not to bother stocking the album.
thanks for this post.

mineforlife said...

Thanks for the input Michael, I got the Bradford reference from another comment on YouTube, but on balance I will go with an actual record shop employee.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. Hope all is well with you!


I-FE said...

Another cracker Alan, thanks. Like Michael I'd only ever heard (and owned) the "Into The Fire" single. Two brilliant sides there, "Total Isolation" is another great song.

Downloading the album now.

Unknown said...

The Bradford Fire reference is true, I am the nephew of Gordon Riddle the vocalist.


romoboy said...

Hi. Any way you could upload the two Hitlist b-sides Total Isolation" and "High Treason"? Thanks!

romoboy said...

Hi! So no chance of uploading the 2Hitlist b-sides? Will gladly send $5 to your Paypal account!

Alberto said...

Hello from Mexico, friends

I´ve been looking for more information about Hitlist group, but i can´t find further.
Where they were from?, Discography?, How long they got together?
Any help will be appreciated.



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