Friday, September 4, 2009

Underworld - Change The Weather (1989)

Underworld - Change The Weather (from the album Change The Weather, 1989)

I often pick up CD's from odd places that I think might be rare or unusual, even if I don't necessarily plan on keeping the album in my collection. An example this week was when I bought the Underworld album Change The Weather for three bucks. Although not particularly valuable, it is fairly hard to find here in the US. I was familiar with Underworld in the 90's, of course, but I was surprised to discover just how melodic and accessible this earlier album is, from beginning to end. The title track is also the lead track, and sets the tone nicely.


David said...

Surely not the same Underworld that did Born Slippy of trainspotting fame?

Brent said...

Yes, it is ... the same guys! ..sort of , just moving away from the pop sound and more into the electronika/techno relm, I do miss the older Underworld ... they had some good stuff and if you like the electronika ,you will still dig em!

great post my friend!

saputraj said...

LOL, I had the same exact CD which I bought for $3 about 20 years ago.

This album sank like stone when it was released thus I managed to get it cheap not long after the released date.

I never like the techno direction that they pursue. To be honest I didn't give the CD much listening.

HÉCTOR said...

The best song of the album is OUTSKIRTS


Anonymous said...

"Outskirts" was actually a B-side, not on the album.

New album on the way - help needed!

I've spent the last couple of months working on my first album. Tentatively called "Et Tu?" it is a deliberate attempt to writ...