Saturday, November 19, 2011

One By One - I Kept My Promise

7" Single, released in 1984


Tonight I'm drinking pear cider (yum!) and revisiting some old posts on my blog. Do other bloggers out there read their own stuff? I find it really interesting and it makes me wish I'd done and written more in the past.

I'm going through old posts at the moment and fixing videos that YouTube have deleted and resizing the ones that still work. I'm also checking out old links.

I've let my rapidshare files die a slow death as I get the feeling no one really likes using RS any more. I'll continue to use MediaFire for my singles posts but I'm looking for a new home for my longer album shares.

When I started my blog 4 years ago I kept changing the design often. Now, I've kept the same look for a while and I think it's good to be recognizable.

Thanks for stopping by. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Latin Quarter!

I was ripping an old Latin Quarter 12" single and rummaging around the internet. This is the first taster from their new album due in 2012. They also plan to tour. A wonderful band.

Secret Sounds - An Epitaph

I've been meaning to blog about Dutch new wave band Secret Sounds for a while, and recently I found out that Wilmer Wolf , lead singer ...