Sunday, September 9, 2007

TechTalk - seeqpod

Seeqpod Had some fun this evening playing with a new discovery - SeeqPod. For anyone who spends time looking for certain audio or video files on the web (and who doesn't?) this is a very slickly designed search engine with some neat tricks. For a start, it's very comprehensive. A search for "Collective Soul" (the way I came across the site in the first place) yielded over 900 files. It's then possible to play any of these files in an embedded player on the same page and also embed the player in another blog or website or send the playlist to other people. For example:


SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search

Not only does SeeqPod allow you to search, it also allows you to discover new music. Clicking the discover button rather than search will bring back recommended music based on the song you placed in the text box. I am not sure how SeeqPod is creating recommendations but it reminds me of iTunes "Just for You" music recommendations. Check out the screen-shot below of the discover search results.


Seeqpod discover

I think it's pretty neat. Let me know if you like it.

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