Monday, January 7, 2008

Talking 'Bout A Resolution

Some blog-related ideas for 2008:
  1. I'm going to bring back the Nostalgia Trip. I've been worrying too much about what I think other people want instead of making this blog more individual.
  2. Another makeover is in the works. The blue thing isn't working for me.
  3. I'm going to post more mixes, probably on the weekends.
  4. I'm not going to buy a lot of new stuff. I have plenty to listen to already.
  5. I will probably develop some more Idiot's Guides. The one I did on Fish was enjoyable.
  6. I will continue to give kudos and credit to blogs that inspire me.
  7. Lot's more easter eggs, widgets and fun stuff. I kind of got away from that.


Michael said...

**1. I'm going to bring back the Nostalgia Trip. I've been worrying too much about what I think other people want instead of making this blog more individual.**

Here here to this one, Stick to what you like and let others enjoy or go away.
If you don't, others may like it but you get bored and stop blogging altogether.
Trust me i have been there and done that.
Blogging should be for fun not a job.

Miss Parker said...

"Stick to what you like and let others enjoy or go away.
If you don't, others may like it but you get bored and stop blogging altogether."

Truer words were never spoken. :-)

davyh said...

'This above all - to thine own self be true' - Willy The Shake.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you totaly, enjoy your blog.I do, Mikeyten.

Templar said...

Talking of individual!!! Found this in my MP3 stash and thought of you.

mineforlife said...

Thanks for your support guys. I'm looking forward to this year, it will be fun!

New album on the way - help needed!

I've spent the last couple of months working on my first album. Tentatively called "Et Tu?" it is a deliberate attempt to writ...