Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sand Rubies - Sand Rubies (1993)

Watch out for hard-to-find, deleted, out of print or critically ignored compact discs released in the last 20 years...

I enjoyed the Sand Rubies track I discovered recently on the Free At Last 3 compilation ("Santa Maria Street") so I tracked down the album ($0.75 on Amazon!). And here it is, not a bad album at all.

Sand Rubies - Sand Rubies (1993)
  1. Goodbye
  2. Santa Maria Street
  3. Your Life Story
  4. Interstate
  5. Drugged
  6. Guns In The Churchyard
  7. Hangman In The Noose
  8. Bar Room Light
  9. Hit The Brakes
  10. Never
  11. Black Eyes And Broken Noses

And here is the video for "Santa Maria Street".


G Magill said...

I loved this album - I think I managed to pick it up for about 50p years ago as a lucky dip - their version og "Interstate" is brilliant and the last song "Black Eyes And Broken Noses" always raises a smile - great album/post

Emmett McAuliffe said...

"Black Eyes And Broken Noses" is truly a song that seserves to be more widely heard

New album on the way - help needed!

I've spent the last couple of months working on my first album. Tentatively called "Et Tu?" it is a deliberate attempt to writ...