Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Random 80's Wednesday

Been a bit busy lately, partly due to my obsession with the Star Wars Card Trader app. Here's a few random tracks from my USB drive.

The Lucy Show - Wipe Out (from Undone, 1985)

Beyond Words - On The Moon (from Beyond Words, 1986)

In Pursuit - No Way Out (from City Without A Subway, 1986)

Techniques Berlin - Scarlet Woman (not sure if it was released but it was recorded circa 1985-1986)

To Heaven A Jet - Airfields (7" Single, 1981)

I should have some new rips up shortly. In the meantime, subscribe to my spotify playlist to keep up with new stuff as I find it available.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Random 80's Wednesday

Here's the second part of my La Folie Du Jour tribute.

Other Voices - Another Tuesday (7" Single, 1983)

22 Beaches - Dust (from the compilation cassette Another Spark, 1984)

The Another Spark compilation, an independent release, also included rare music by Microdisney, In Embrace, 1000 Mexicans, Perfect Vision, and many others.

Steve Lake - Life Of Riley (12" Single, 1987)

This is my second post of a Steve Lake track lately. Clearly an overlooked talent. His website is at

Datblygu - Tu Allan (from Fi Du, 1984)

I couldn't find the track from the Datblygu single referenced on LFDJ, so here's a track from a very limited cassette released a couple of years earlier.

Captain Sensible - The Ballad Of Mark And Shula (from the "Come On Down" 12" Single, 1985)

My own find, this. A typically bizarre B-Side from the Captain, containing bits of his hit "It's Hard To Believe I'm Not" and what appears to be some factory boss bemoaning the fundamentally lazy British workers who clock in and read newspapers in the loo.

Frontier Scouts tracks can be found at the Chapter Music page on Bandcamp.

Secret Sounds - An Epitaph

I've been meaning to blog about Dutch new wave band Secret Sounds for a while, and recently I found out that Wilmer Wolf , lead singer ...