Thursday, May 27, 2010

Spelt Like This - Contract of the Heart (1985)


discobunny said...

Wow what a lovely surprise. i have been looking for this for ages/years as it is one of the first Stock Aitken Waterman singles. Thank you SOOO much for posting this. Best wishes.

Unknown said...

Hello. Could you please re-upload, thanks :)

mineforlife said...

Links re-upped. Thanks for visiting and asking.

Unknown said...

Thank you... but I cannot download it from 'box'

furryAndy said...

I remember back in the day their record company (EMI) said that this band had walked into their office with what the company thought were 20 potential "A-side" hits.. And whilst for some strange reason both of their 2 singles flopped, I would say judging by both sides of this record and it's follow-up "Stop This Rumour" they should have been right! I'd so love to hear the other 16 tracks! Shame they were never allowed to make a whole album, compared to today's chart fodder this was pure genius!

New album on the way - help needed!

I've spent the last couple of months working on my first album. Tentatively called "Et Tu?" it is a deliberate attempt to writ...